MSU Domicology

MSU Domicology

Materials Salvage and Reuse Innovation Hub

MSU Domicology
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The Materials Salvage and Reuse Innovation Hub is highlighting Record Keeping for Small Businesses from Northern Initiatives. Record keeping is one of your most important responsibilities as a small business owner. The success of your business depends on creating and maintaining an effective record system, whether your business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. The video offers insight on:

  • The concept of record keeping and why record keeping is important to a small business.
  • Record keeping basics for a small business.
  • Record keeping practices, rules, and tools which are commonly available to a small business.
  • How these record keeping practices, rules, and tools work.
  • Benefits a small business derives from proper record keeping.

It is our team's hope to highlight more videos and resources to aid in improving your business during these times. Please feel free to take a look at our social media:

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—The MSRI Team

Click the image below to view the full article.

Record Keeping for Small Businesses

Laptop displaying financial graphics

Video courtesy of Northern Initiatives.

MSU Domicology
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MSU Domicology   MSU Center for Community and Economic Development.